Become a Member of the BCOSSA

Join the  British Columbia professionals who have made BCOSSA their industry voice across western Canada.

BCOSSA members include a wide range of professional contractors, excavators, engineers, equipment suppliers, wastewater practitioners and environmental service suppliers. Anyone with interest in onsite wastewater treatment, protecting fresh water resources and enhancing the environment is welcome to join.

Members receive the benefits of accessing education and information on the Sewerage System Regulation and Standard Practice Manual and receive reduced tuition on all ROWP training courses through the Westcoast Onsite Wastewater Training Centre.

BCOSSA Members are encouraged to let the association know what information and services they require to help make their industry and their business a success!

To join BCOSSA, please fill out the: Membership form

Fax or Mail to:

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PO Box 44151-2947 Tillicum Road
Victoria BC V9A 7K1

Fax: (877) 758‐2288


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