
Health Protection staff, in cooperation with the health authorities and practitioner certifying bodies, have developed a guideline for communication and information-sharing under Sewerage System Regulation section 2.1(1) (prescribed health hazards): http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/protect/lup_whatsnew.html

Current bulletins:

(61.64KB) Policy from setback from wells

(1.2MB) Septic Tank Devices

(98KB) Site Capability Tables

(196KB) What's new in the SPM V2

(157KB) Flags for Consulting a Qualified Professional 2008

(326KB) Combined Treatment and Dispersal Systems

(75.8KB) Intention Statement for TB 5

(1.1MB) Linear Loading Rates

(1.3MB) SPMV2_DM_R1

(49KB) Application of the SPM V2 by ROWP's


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